
Billy Graham

Written by Don Reid on February 21st, 2018 Posted in General

This morning the world lost a spiritual icon and a true man of God. I received a text just minutes before it hit the news that Billy Graham had died. It was expected. He had reached the venerable age of ninety and nine years and I am sure in his heart of hearts he was ready to go see the Kingdom of Christ.


I was in a Bible Study tonight at Debbie’s Baptist church when the minister asked me if I would say a few words to the group about Billy Graham as he knew we had been associated through the years. I recalled that we had appeared on a number of tv shows together and we had sung on multiple crusades of his. He was an honorable and good man and loved by everyone who met him and worked with him. I then remembered a story that I thought showed his true brotherly spirit.

We, the Statlers, had been on a long three-week tour and on the last night, we joined the Billy Graham Crusade in Dallas for one night and then headed home the next day. We were anxious to get home and after checking all the schedules found we could fly out of Dallas that night without having to wait till the next day for a flight. Only problem was, to make that plane, we’d have to leave the coliseum right after our song and before his sermon. We debated all afternoon whether we should approach him with that possibility. Would it be rude? Would he be offended? After much soul-searching, at rehearsal we called him aside and told him our dilemma and before we even finished our story, he said, “Boys, when you get through with your song, just cut out of here. Go home and I don’t blame you.” He set our hearts at ease and showed his true class and brotherhood.


I read his column everyday in the newspaper or online. He handles every question with grace and understanding and gives the best Christian advice humanly possible. I have been teaching a Sunday school class for over thirty years at my home church and many, many times I have ripped his column from the newspaper and taken it to church with me and used it for the Sunday school lesson.


Billy Graham has been honored so many times and in so many ways and with so many gold plaques, but today he received the ultimate reward. Tonight, as we speak nobly of him and of his faith and his loving nature, he is so very far beyond all our words and accolades.

Because tonight he has seen Jesus.




May your soul be in rest, Billy Graham.


2/21/18   DSR